19 September 2016

Oracle Open World 2016, Day 2

Oracle Open World 2016, Day 2

Today is the first “real” day of the conference in that today we’re seeing Oracle’s sessions.

I’m particularly excited because today is a day of roadmaps.

And with that, off we go.

CON6132: Oracle Business Analytics: Product and Technology Roadmap, Samar Lotia, Hari Shankar, and Ragu Venkatasubramanian, Oracle

Data Visualizer looks really, really, really cool and is Oracle’s answer to Tableau.  I have to, have to download this and play with it.  Gawd it’s cool.

Synopsis is being demoed right now.  ODTUG President, Natalie Delemar, is so cool it can’t be real.  It is as I saw it at the ACED briefing.  So cool.

Here’s their take on data sources.  In short:  everything.

Do not, ever, forget Essbase Cloud aka EssCS.  This is what Tim German and I presented on at Kscope16 and if the creek don’t rise and God willing, we will again at Kscope17.

CON7505:  Oracle Enterprise Performance Management On Premises and in the Cloud:  Taking a Hybrid Approach

Tony Scalese is talking right now on how to implement a cloud implementation (in this case PBCS) across multiple tools both on premises and in the cloud.  I have a three part post on Data Management and PBCS and will give you a teaser by saying that he is absolutely right in his approach.  It’ll be an epic rant but for now I’ll listen to Tony’s much calmer than mine voice.

Conclusion for now

I have more, much more, on offer today.  After this session I’m off to the EPM demo grounds.  Here’s hoping I’ve got something geekycoolawesome to share.

Be seeing you.


  1. Thanks for the blog Cameron.
    45 minutes for the Product Roadmap of the entire BI Stack not very much time...
    Is Data Visualiser working on Essbase, or do we need to bring all into relational first? Anything on that said there?

  2. Philip,

    I *believe* that Essbase does not directly talk to DV. Hmm, now that I write that, I remember talking to the Essbase guys and they kept on bring DV up again and again and again. At the same time, I can't actually see any documentation that shows it or not. It sure would be nice, wouldn't it?


    Cameron Lackpour
